🎨 Intro Image Exploration
I use DALL-E 3, because I can specify better what my image is about, and I used the following prompt:
Can you create an image from Norse Mythology? It should be a cover image for a website about software testing. Here you can find auxiliary tools, theory with AI-learning within test management, test analysis, and test automation. You can also learn about Test Driven Development. And purchase Onsite Keynotes and workshops. There are also dialogues with historical figures, simulated with AI.
No text or runes.
It creates a rather boring image, adding “Norse Mythology” can make it more mystical, but it still is rather boring:

🤔 The Unpromptable Prompt
I also added an unpromptable prompt, where I asked the AI-model to tell me, what style and colors it sees, so I know how I can communicate with this model. It won’t work with other models, but I want something specific and this is how I can learn how the AI understands the world. The image I used, that I have created another time:

Combining these prompts gave me this result:

🚀 Upscaling Adventures
I needed it to be 2000×1200 pixels, but the image generated was only 1024×1024.
I use Upscayl – Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows built with Linux-First philosophy. https://github.com/upscayl/upscayl
Which can upscale my image up to 16 times!
And I only have a laptop with a NVIDIA GTX 1650.
🔍 Zooming-Out
I needed it to work on mobile devices, which would zoom too much on the image:

So I needed to Zoom out.
I copied, flipped an pasted of the image again and again (left, right, up and down):

And then put it into https://creator.nightcafe.studio/ (which runs with Stable Diffusion AI), because I can add an mask on top, to select where the image generation must happen:

It gave me images like this:

I then combined multiple of these images in GIMP2 (The Free & Open Source Image Editor) https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ to the following result:

I had to upscale it again, because the rendered image is only 1344×768, but with Upscayl it was easy.’
Incredible what multiple AI tools and open source tools can bring to the table!
🔮 Unlocking AI’s limitations
Midjourney and Stable diffusion has keyword prompting, but its too simple.
Often I feel I can’t get out of a template. Let me give an example of 2 similar images, that have 2 different prompts :

Another example is, when I wanted Sisyphus pushing his stone up hill, but couldn’t get it. Either the stone was already at the top. Or flying. Or there was no stone, but a moon!

The image below is one funny example, because if Sisyphus is trying to push the stone with his butt. If that was the case, then I understand why the stone keep rolling down again and again.

DALL-E 3 can take more details into account, which makes it easier to specify.
A man writes "ABC" on a piece of paper. He sits under a tree with his block of paper and beside him is a bike. It is fall and crows fly in the air. The style must be "cute".

It is better to specify, but again not all details. That’s why we often need to combine images.
🎨 AI-images require skill
Yea, right!
I use AI to produce tons of images, that I can choose what direction I want to take them.
I use my Gimp-skills (Open source photoshop), to combine these images.
I use creative ways to understand my tools, AI included – like unpromptable prompting.
Sometimes I simulate historical people with AI, to inspire me or see things from new angle!
All this required me to:
Test, fail, redo, learn,
test, fail, redo, learn,
test, fail, redo, learn,
Not everything went as I wanted, even though it is pretty:

And that is my point: Creative work is not dead. Our tools have just upgraded. Just like Portrait painters complained about photographers, at one time.
And this my friends, requires a lot of
– Bartek / Bartlomiej Rohard Warszawski
testing, learning, and experience
which is the definition of
creativity and skill!
End of this post
And my site is not finished yet. I have just made the first step of:
testing, doing, reflecting, changing, and testing some more.