
Hey there, inner child at 40! ,

My name is Bartek, a Quality Coach, Test Architect, and an AI explorer.

Why the childish style of this site?

My best friend and I loved to code on a Friday evening after cartoons.
We did it because we had fun doing it!

As adults we sometimes lose this fun, because of deadlines, budgets and politics.
So, why not help other (re) discover the fun that there is withing the art of software development and testing?

Simply to combine curiosity of the inner-child with the experience of an 40 year old.

So, the child-like theme is to make it more fun (and less intimidating).
And it is also based on my professional experience within software testing and development. Here is a list of my previous clients:

Clients 2007-2024: Nexi, Nets, 7N, Epico, Laerdal, Sundhedsdata styrelsen, Digitaliserings styrelsen, SogetiLabs, TopDanmark, Kombit, Systematic, Capgemini, DSB, Din Offentlige Transport, Undervisningsministeriet, IT-VEST, Effective Learning, ConDidact, Eksport Kredit Fonden

Learn (E-learning courses):

Web editor: 💻 Python / 💻 JavaScript / 💻 Groovy / 💻 C#
Recommend editor for experienced users: VSCodium (open source)

Keynotes & Workshops


