Python is not just a programming language.
Posted On October 5, 2018
Python is also a neat automation tool, like a calculator, that can help you with many tiny tasks.
I use it every day in test automation, like
* getting the sum of all characters in a text,
* scrapping webpages,
* decipher system encoded texts into human readable text,
* splitting data or combining data,
* draw a graph of a dataset (more options than excel, even though they not always look as good).
* automating ftp access (to download or upload files)
* reading or editing Excel sheets with openpyxl
* and much much more.
Fun code example
list_texts = ["knowledge", "hardwork", "attitude", "bullshit", "asskissing"]
for text in list_texts:
text_sum = 0
for char in text: text_sum += ord(char.lower())-96
print(text, ":", text_sum, "%")
What tiny tasks do you use Python for?
The following article gives great examples: