Learning about learning

Learning about learning

Let’s talk about how AI is like a super fast learner.
We shouldn’t view it just as learning, more like learning how to learn!
I know, sounds pretty mysterious, right?
But don’t worry, I’ve got a fun example to show you!

Picture this: there’s this mega cool computer game called Nethack.
It’s all about exploring crazy mazes, battling monsters, and finding epic weapons as you delve deeper into the dungeon.

Now, here’s the twist: every time you kick the bucket in the game, you gotta start from scratch with nothing in your backpack. The maze changes each time too, and so does the color on the potions. In one life, a green potion might be your lifesaver, but in another, it could be poison! *scary music playing*

At first, players are too scared to touch those potions – who knows what’ll happen, right? But after a few rounds of deaths, they get brave and start chugging them down at the start of each life. In this way, they either learn the potion colors or they die early on, which is not that bad.

Then, as the players rack up more experience, they get smarter. They start throwing potions at the bad guys. If a green potion heals the monster, it’s a healing potion. If it hurts them, it’s poison. It’s like turning enemies into guinea pigs for science!

So, even though the game’s different every time you hit “play,” players figure out how to learn from it, safely testing out new ideas without risking too much. (Score one for safe-to-fail-experiments!)

And you know what? Real life’s just like that too! We’re always figuring out new ways to learn. AI is is not only about automation – it is about making us learn even faster!
It’s just the next awesome step in this epic journey! ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŒŸ

Thank you for reading through the whole introduction and joining me on this awesome adventure! ๐Ÿš€โœจ

What is AI?

What is AI? A new way to tell stories!

Let’s take a journey into the magical world of AI, which isn’t as new as you might think. It’s been growing and changing for thousands of years!

So, picture this: it all started with stories we used to tell each other, like ancient bedtime tales. Then, it got even cooler – we wrote those stories down in books, built libraries to keep them safe, and eventually, we even started learning about them in schools. Fast forward to today, where we’ve got the internet and these super smart LLM’s (that’s short for large language models).

AI is like the genie’s lamp of knowledge storage and access. Remember those ancient Greek mathematicians? When they solved a problem and shared it with others, it was like unleashing an oracle into the world, that could predict the future and answer all kind of questions!

And guess what? We still have oracles today! Meteorology predicts the weather, medicine forecasts our health, and psychology dives into our behaviors and thoughts.

We might not think of these sciences as AI’s, but they’re totally artificial and always growing and learning, just like AI do. The only difference? Back in the day, they ran on human brains, but now they get to run on digital machines!