
At BRW Think Tank, we are passionate about harnessing the power of Test Driven Problem-solving to create a better world, one life-improve at a time.

What is “Test Driven Problem-solving”?

Test Driven Development (TDD) is originally a method for developing software, but its principles extend far beyond coding.

That’s why we have created Test Driven Problem-solving, to use TDD principles in real-life-problems (not only software).

Let me give an example:

Given a challenge in life is faced

When it is written down,
including the desired outcome.

Then the challenge
becomes easier to solve,
and be shared with others.

Dealing with challenges

One life-improvement at a time, is important, so we don’t get overwhelmed:

Given a challenge is overwhelming

When the only the last step
is written as a task

Then the value of the solution becomes much more apparent and actionable.

Who is behind BRW Think Tank?

My name is Bartek, and I am the founder of BRW Think Tank.

I find joy in researching TDD principles and exploring applications of them, so lives can be improved.

My research is based on my actual experience with coding, testing, TDD, and problem-solving at clients that I have worked with:

Clients 2007-2024: Nexi, Nets, 7N, Epico, Laerdal, Sundhedsdata styrelsen, Digitaliserings styrelsen, SogetiLabs, TopDanmark, Kombit, Systematic, Capgemini, DSB, Din Offentlige Transport, Undervisningsministeriet, IT-VEST, Effective Learning, ConDidact, Eksport Kredit Fonden

Why the childish style of this site?

While the style is childish, the topics are not. The topics can be difficult to process, so the childlike theme is intended to make it more fun and less intimidating.

Let me give an example, where we turn something negative into something positive:

Given something new and
difficult needs to be learned

When my perspective I-can’t-learn is replaced with what-can-be-discovered?

Then dredge is replaced with fascination


We offer a range of products, all designed to help you become better at problem-solving and life-improvement. Your purchases help us continue our mission:



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