Bartek’s wall of Success

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1981-1989

The year of my birth
I loved to make board games as a kid.
One game I remember was about a human mouth and teeth.
My mother didn’t like the games, because I always changed the rules.

We came to Denmark in 1987.
Learned Danish in 1988 at Sct. Jรธrgens skole and Uglebroskolen in Nรฆstved.
Started in 1st grade in 1989 at Vor Frue Skole in Nรฆstved.
I also discovered that libraries are cool! I loved books about nature and the solar system!
This was one of my favorites and I still have it:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1990

We got a Commodore 64 and my brother taught me programming.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1991

The first time I ran 15 km (I was 10 years old)!

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1993

My first silver medal in a swimming competition.
This was the year that I met my best friend Kรฅre.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1995

Coded a gravity simulation in AMOS on the Amiga.
I figured out that gravity was not movement but acceleration.
I also learned about friction.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1996

I coded a rotating star field with sinus and cosinus (my first vector based reference frame)

Read my first book about neural networks:

I loved that book and it made me think about how to code my own neural network. I made the first working algorithm in 2001.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1997

Coded my first 3D perspective projection:

And a simulation of water surface:

Also was attending The Party 1997 (Batteries not included).
My friends and I brought with us a Playstation and VR glasses.
We played Wipeout 2097 in 240p (but it was 1997)!
We power outage was an awesome experience at the Party was an awesome experience.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1998

My first simulation of rigid bodies (canโ€™t find the program).

Build a lot of 3D scenes with different tools โ€“ this is a compilation of them โ€“ Little fluffy clouds:

Also got a job on TV Danmark Nรฆstved, where I worked as a camera man, graphic artist and tape administrator. It was an awesome job with really awesome people. I really miss the people I worked with there.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 1999


  • A 3D voksel engine (canโ€™t find the program)
  • A 5D sinus shapes generator (canโ€™t find the program)

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2000

Was selected as one of the best high school students in physics in Denmark and got a summer-camp called โ€œKopernikursus 2000โ€, where I had dinner with Jens Martin Knudsen

Also designed an algorithm for particle simulation of liquids
The original C++ code got lost, but I later remade it in Flash in 2007
and JavaScript in 2010

I also cracked Diablo 2 with MS Paint :D (so I could change my character stats to what I wanted)

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2001

First time as a nuclear engineer :D

Our physics class visited Risรธ nuclear reactor, where I was allowed to control the reactor to create an isotope!

Job as system administrator

I got a part time job at Nรฆstved Gymnasium, where I had to administrate 8 computers for gaming. We played Quake, Quake II, Action Quake, Deltaforce, and it was fun!


Later that year I got year grade 13 in design class in 3.g (which is like 1st year of college).
Grade 13 was the highest grade one could get (higher than today’s 12)
I also got 13 in design exam (where I had to defend my year grade).
Also got 13 in math exam.

Later that year I started at the university studying Math and Computer science.
And passed the exams for 1st semester, where I built one of the fastest division algorithm (on the semester) for numbers with 100 digits.

I also managed to deliver all my weekly programming tasks in computer science on post it’s. I found out that I was really good at recursive methods in Standard ML, so I could make them really short!

Neural network

This year I also finished designing my neural network algorithm and managed to hard-code it (The original C++ code got lost)
It was a bot (black dot) that had to follow a moving target (red dot). The bot had 4 cameras (North, South, East, and West direction) and a leg that it could move with. It had to learn to use it cameras with the combination with itโ€™s leg, so it could follow the red dot.

I recreated it in 2018 as a Python library and then coded a better version in 2022:

Bitbucket repo link

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2002

Getting into Danmarks Design School

I passed the exam for getting into Danmarks Design School.
It was very difficult to get in, where ~1500 people tried and only ~70 got in.
One person has one attempt each year and can max try 3 times.
I tried and thought that if I didn’t manage to do so, then I would have a bachelor in Mathematics.
I got in on my first try though!

1st semester project

I made this 3D animation called โ€œEmbalyptenโ€ on my first semester:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2003

Animation project

On my 2nd semester, I took a course in animation and made Appelsss (I am dyslectic, so I couldn’t remember how many s’es I should add, so I added 3 to make it wrong on purpose (I know I could have looked it up, but I was just annoyed)).

First web game

I build my first web game on a friday afternoon:

Try it out!


I also got a student job as a graphic artist at Danmarks Design School’s newspaper called Bullentin, where I designed the new layout:

and as their webmaster for (wayback machine)

Game project

Was the developer on a team that created the web game Alfred

3rd Semester project

My 3rd semester project at the year end was a video and game streaming service.
I tested multiple setups from 128 kbs net connections to 512 kbs.
The conclusion was that 512 kbs was the mininmum for a video streaming service.
The ping for real time game-streaming was too large in 2003.
(canโ€™t find the program – but I know I have a backup of my presentation of it somewhere)

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2004

I got a new job as a teacher in 3D graphics.
This was the job, where I learned to love teaching.

Designed a news website, that sorted news articles based on geography:

I also added AI support, where the site could learn what articles a visitor liked and sorted them in that order.

At the end of the 4th semester I made a combat simulation game (I can’t find the code) where to armies would combat each other.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2005

I this year I was part in making a Game called “God of Rock” (I have a video of it on a backup somewhere). I was the developer on the team and had to make the mod work in Far Cry Engine with C++.

I also made graphics for 3 mobile games:

I had courses in Conceptual arts, where I made this:

I also worked with Deadline games on Chili Con Carnage, a PlayStation Portable Game:

I joined the first DADIU game production and worked on two teams as a technical artist.
Worked on: “Chronicles of walter” and “Krabtilicus.”
Because I was on two teams, I had to be on two group exams (and Danmarks Design School also put my Bachelor exam on the same day, in between the two group exams).
It was a hard day, but I passed all three exams!
(Of course the bachelor exam had to be on the other side of town, so my professor Denis drove me to all the places, so we could make it)

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2006

I joined for another round at DADIU, where we produced a Half-life 2 mod: GROGG!



We got an awesome fan mail from Valve:

Dear Grogg Team,

I stumbled across Grogg and installed it this afternoon. I instantly gathered an audience around my monitor and cranked up the sound. I had to play the opening sequence several times so that more people could witness it from the beginningโ€“and especially the hilarious narration.

My compliments to your voice talent!
Although the game is clearly (and understandably) in a rough and early state, please count me among your fans, eagerly awaiting future versions.

Auth Your fan,
******* *******

Website design

I also design a new website for

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2007

Master degree

2007 was the year, where I finished my education in digital design (master degree), where I had looked into e-learning + gaming (at that time it was called serious games or edutainment).
Usually serious games were not fun. I asked the following question: “what if we prioritized fun before education? Then maybe we get more people to learn stuff?”

I made two prototypes.

1) A game to learn math in the universe of World of Warcraft:

You can try the wolf game here

2) A game to solve geometry assignments to get new furnature
I even developed normal mapping to make 2D sprites be affected by light

You can try the furniture game here

17 days later I got married:

My first steps as a teacher within the IT world

I held a couple of workshops for various customers with a high satisfaction score:

1 point was not satisfied, 3 was satisfied, and 5 was very satisfied

One of the customers I remember was, because I really liked the personal there (and they were the first ones to try out my workshop).

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2008

Developed a Tadpole game that got published by Condidact A/S for Danish and swedish schools:

I developed the whole game engine, where new games could be build quite fast.
I made it with dynamic loading of parts and even a streaming audio, so voice over facts and music could be streamed, while playing the game. It even supported multiple languages.
Remember it was 2008, way before html5!

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2009


Was working on a e-learning project with Effective-Learning, where I had the responsibility to extend the existing e-learning-platform to support multiple language and test that the translations have been correct.

The project received Bersin Award 2009


I also started teaching at a highschool, where I made all kind of IT projects and tools with the children.

Computer Anatomy:

You can try it out yourself:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2010

Teaching materials
Was developing a lot of teaching materials like physics simulation in Python (yes, just like the one I did myself in 1995!)

I also was selected by the ministry of education to teach highschool teacher in information technology subject.


I taught myself JavaScript and remade my particle liquid simulator in html5:

Bought my first house (and 2 cars)

And there was a lot to do.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2011


Became dad for the first time (home birth).
Also build this for my daughter:


Was on the development team for a new computer-science subject for the highs schools in Denmark (IFTEK)

It was in cooperation with IT-Vest, networking universities

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2012

I was very productive year with producing teaching materials.

Fun with the students:

Robots from Arduino:

A Web application about image matrix filters:

Web application to teach about html and CSS:

Web application to make patterns:

We also made RogueLikes, Plant watering robots, and much more!

I really loved teaching!

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2013

Not much happened that year.
I help a couple of workshop for Kรธge Kommune in SiteCore, WikiMedia, web images, etc.

Also helped Kรธge Kommune with launching their new website (and migrating from the old one):

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2014

Was a hard year for me.
My mother got a heart attack.
My best friend was Hospitalized.
My wife needed a larger operation.
and my wife were also operated at the hospital.

I also was admitted to a board of a kindergarten, (we were 3 new people, since the all the previous board members didn’t want to continue). We found out that the economy was very bad, so we had to close it. It wasn’t fun at all.

What success did I achieve?
I didn’t break down and was there for my mother, friend, wife, daughter, the kindergarten.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2015

๐Ÿ“… 2015
Became dad for the second time (another home birth)

Developed a pairwise algorithm in JavaScript

It wasn’t finished, but it works.

Developed a cycle process test in JavaScript (including import from MS Visio)
(Can’t find the program anymore)

Started in software testing as an consultant and helped the following customers that year:

Personal Learning Indicator
Got the maximum score in a PLI test.
Converted to an IQ test would make it minimum 146.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2016

Started on my cartoon โ€The Ramblings of Bartekโ€ and posted each week for a whole year.

Made Automation of test automation for a client. When ever a webform was specified the Model Based Testing created new test cases automatically that could test that webform.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2017

Became dad for the third time (another home birth)

Became a member of SogetiLabs

Developed a map generator (can’t find the program, but it should be on a backup somewhere)

Delivered a test automation project at a client:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2018

Was an contributing expert for
Testing in the Digital Age โ€“ AI makes the difference

World Champion
Got the highest score in an LEAP WORK exam certification.

Test Driven Development (TDD)
Developed TDD teaching materials and a workshop.
Which I held 3 times at Systematic

Article about AI

Wrote an article for a German magazine about AI:

Germain version:

English version: Automation is Coming โ€“ How Will You Survive?

Test Driven Reinforcement Learning (TDRL)

Developed a Python library that could be used to create AI bots.
I used it to re-implement my old AI-bot from 2001.
I also used it to implement a language bot that could learn new words and learn to turn on and turn off a lamp (the following implementation is from 2022):


Worked with multiple clients this year:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2019

Became dad for the fourth time (another home birth)

Was presenting at Test Expo 2019

Bartek der holder foredrag pรฅ test expo 2019

Started working with:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2020

Started a collaboration with QAcademy / Capgemini regarding holding workshops in Test Driven Development.

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2021

Held an online workshop at QAcademy / Capgemini about Test Driven Development.

Held an on-site presentation at Epico about “What is test automation?”

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2022

Wrote most of my book, when my appendix broke and I had to be at the hospital for 15 days.

I published the book later that year:

I started to play a lot with Stable Diffusion (Generative AI to create images).

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2023

Developed further my philosophy Not-ism (read more)

I started to play a lot with ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.
Made 8 one-hour-workshops on what AI could be used for.

Published another book:

Started working with:

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2024

Started making music with generative AI tools.
Link to YouTube playlist

Held a presentation at 7N about test automation.

Started on my e-learning platform.