Blog Series: Behavior Driven Development in LEAPWORK
Posted On April 10, 2019
Concepts such as “Behavior Driven Development (BDD)”, the “Page Object Model”, “Unit-testing”, and “Context Driven Automation” are important for automation:
- BDD is used to include non-technicians in the software development process.
- The Page Object Model is used to encapsulate an interface (for example the interactive elements in a web page).
- Unit-testing is used to secure, that changes made to the units (parts of code), will not introduce any unexpected breaking changes.
- Context Driven Automation is used to reduce the maintenance cost of automation by 99%.
#BDD, #PageObjectModel #UnitTesting #ContextDrivenAutomation #ContextDrivenTestAutomation #Testing #RPA #LEAPWORK
The blog is written in four chapters, that:
- Examines these concepts.
- Why are these concepts beneficial to use in LEAPWORK?
- How to implement them in LEAPWORK? (with examples).