Tag: tdd

Definition of a test case

Introduction A test case describes the properties and behavior of a system. Knowing what a test case is, will improve your documentation, specifications, and code by making them testable and easier to read and understand....
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Deal with change in software development (TDD)

I often hear developers complain that the specifications, demands, and technology change to quickly. So how can developers deal with it? Change is after all the key aspect that complicates the design and development process. Often it is not even a question of delivering quality, but pure survival of the...
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How bots learn, unlearn and relearn

How is a bot learning to recognize images?How is a bot learning to find lungs with cancer?What if a bot is wrong? Can it unlearn to fix it’s mistake? Read more of my article at SogetiLabs: http://labs.sogeti.com/how-bots-learn-unlearn-and-relearn/...
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Our TDD workshop materials have been upgraded to version 1.5!

This workshop differentiate from other TDD courses, by giving you the opportunity to bring your own programming language, framework, and other tools, therefore making TDD more relevant to you. If you wish to bring your code to the next level, then this workshop is for you. Read more at:...
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TDD course in Bukarest with a satisfaction score of 97 %

Holding a workshop in TDD (Test Driven Development) for 2 developer teams (2 days each) in Bucharest, Romania. TDD is a design methodology for developers to make better software. – because good design is thoroughly validated design. It was a very successful course with a 97 % satisfaction (and...
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Ten facts about details 1. You are reading this line now 2. But you didn’t notice “line” was written twice. 3. You went back to check it, but were confused, 5. Because “line” wasn’t written twice. 6. But now you didn’t notice, that 4. was skipped. 8. You went...
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