Git reference

What is Git?

Git is a version control system that is used for software development and other version control tasks
Read more at:

Purpose of this referencerguide

  1. With a reference guide, you can quickly search for and find commands and functionality, that you need, but don’t know about.
  2. The original documentation / reference guide is ‘long’, if you only need to find a single command.
  3. The original documentation / reference guide don’t give testable code examples, which you can experiment with and learn from.
  4. The multiple interactive tutorials are great, when you run them for the 1st time, but are to slow, when you need to look something up again.

Why Git without a GUI client?

The benefit of knowing the command line:

  1. It’s the same on every OS.
  2. You always have access to the command line, no matter, which GUI the customer/coworkers use.
  3. You can be sure it works as intended.

Download and install git

Navigate to
This guide uses git bash (so please install it)

Command Description Example
cd <folder name> Enter a folder named <folder name> mkdir my_folder
cd my_folder
cd ..
rmdir my_folder
cd .. ”cd ..” makes you enter the parent folder mkdir my_folder
cd my_folder
cd ..
rmdir my_folder
dir ”dir” lists all content in current folder. mkdir my_folder
cd my_folder
mkdir another_folder
cd ..
rmdir my_folder
mkdir <folder name> Make a new folder named <folder name> mkdir my_folder
rmdir my_folder
rmdir <folder name> Remove a folder named <folder name> mkdir my_folder
rmdir my_folder
cd /d Navigate to drive d

(Windows only)

cd /d
git link Get your git link, from github, bitbucket or where you have your data.
clone <git link> 1. navigate to your workspace folder like c:\git-workspace

2. clone <git-link> <

cd /c
mkdir git-workspace
cd git-workspace
clone git https://…/git-test.git
git status Untracked:
will not be pushed to servernew (green):
will be pushed to servermodified (red):
have been changed, but will not be pushed to server.

modified (green):
have been changed and will be pushed to server.

(Requires cloned folder)

git status
echo version_1 > file.txt
git status
git add *
git status
rm file.txt

git add <filename> <filename> will be staged (marked ready) for the next commit.

Use * if you want to add all files.

(Required a cloned folder)

git status
echo version_1 > file.txt
git status
git add *
git status

git commit -m ”<write your message>” Commits your stage, which will be included in the next push to server. (Required a cloned folder)

echo version_1 > file.txt
git add *
git status
git commit -m “version 1”
git status
git push origin master

git config –global “” Changes your email git config –global “”
git config –global


Changes your git name git config –global
git push origin <branch> Push your comitted data to the server.

<branch> is normally ”master”

(Required a cloned folder)

echo version_1 > file.txt
git add *
git commit -m “version 1”
git status
git push origin master
git status

git pull origin <branch> Pull data from server and merge with your folder

<branch> is normally ”master”

cd /c/git-workspace
mkdir folder_a
cd folder_a
git clone git https://…/git-test.git
cd ..
mkdir folder_b
cd folder_b
git clone git https://…/git-test.git
echo version1 > file.txt
git add *
git commit -m “version 1”
git push origin master
cd folder_a
git pull origin master
git reset –hard HEAD~1 If you want to undo something that you have committed.

Warning: It will delete your current changes! Use

git reset –soft HEAD~1

if you want to keep your changes.

(Required a cloned folder)

echo version1 > file.txt
git add *
git commit -m “version 1”
git push origin master
git status
echo version2 > file.txt
git commit -m “version 2”
git status
git reset –hard HEAD~1
git status
vim file.txt
Type :q! to quit VIM (text editor)

git pull origin <branch>
but this time with a conflict!

It is possible to merge 2 conflicting files together with a pull

cd /c/git-workspace
mkdir folder_a
cd folder_a
git clone git https://…/git-test.git
cd ..mkdir folder_b
cd folder_b
git clone git https://…/git-test.git
echo version1 > file.txt
git add *
git commit -m “version 1”
git push origin master folder_a
git pull origin master
echo version2a > file.txt
git add *
git commit -m “version 2a”
git push origin master
cd folder_b
echo version2b > file.txt
git pull origin master
vim file.txtYour file should look like this:
“<<<<<<< HEAD
Version 2b
Version 2a
>>>>>>> ece37d2c042468b7b29147cc3af64189e5d12e41″
It shows the difference between the 2 files.
Write the file, like you want, eg.
“Version 2a & 2b”
type :wq in Vim to save and exit.
git add *
git commit -m “version 2a & 2b”
git push origin master
git checkout <branch> Change branch, if you want to make some experiments or changes, without disrupting the code of other developers. (Required a cloned folder)

git status
git checkout master_2
git status

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